My story is not an easy read, but needs to be shared. When Lanta Animal Welfare found me, I had third degree burns from having boiling oil poured over me.
Life on the streets can be hard. I was hungry and trying to find something to eat when I got in the way of the wrong person. Can you imagine the pain of having hot oil thrown at you? I ran away in terror and agony, eventually crawling into a hole on a rubber plantation. When Lanta Animal Welfare found me, I was absolutely terrified. How could I ever trust humans again after what had been done to me? But, they got me to the safety of the shelter to treat my horrific burns.
My body is healing now, although my back has been left permanently scarred. My mind too, is scarred and traumatised, I only allow certain people to touch me. I need lots of love and patience to recover, and for this reason, I’m not ready to be adopted right now.
You can do something very special for me. By sponsoring me, you’ll be helping to keep me safe and cared for, as I recover and overcome my trauma. In return, you’ll receive regular updates on my progress
After all I’ve been through, will you please be my friend? Please sponsor me now.